Arduino IDE

Installing the Arduino IDE (Integreate Development Environment)

Install Arduino IDE 2.x.

On a Linux machine, the simplest option is to use the ZIP file. Simply download and uncompress the file. Then you can start the Arduino IDE by clicking on the arduino-ide file.

WARNING: Adafruit documentation for the Metro ESP32-S2 board but it uses Arduino IDE 1.x:

Setup the Metro ESP32-S2 Board for Arduino

You need to do the following only once the first time you want to upload a program to the Metro ESP32-S2 board.

  • First, plug the board to your computer using a USB cable.
  • Then, make the the board enter the Drive Firmware Update (DFU) mode to update the ROM bootloader as explained in the Adafruit tutotrial. This means:
    1. Press and hold the DFU / Boot0 button down. Don't let go of it yet!
    2. Press and release the Reset button.
    3. Release the DFU / Boot0 button
  • Select the board type and the port which should be /dev/ttypACM0
  • Upload the program
  • Press and release the Reset button if needed