D-Day Friday

Evaluation is based on 3 components: presentation/demonstration, the repository and a 3-5 minute video.

Presentation (20 minutes)

The presentation is based on a demonstration only with the turtlebot robot (simulation is evaluated with the repositories).

  1. 5 minutes: capability for the robot to detect ghosts and filter false positives (turtlebot static).
  2. 10 minutes:
    • Capability for the robot to navigate and build the map of the environment.
    • Capability to localize the ghost in the map.
  3. 5 minutes: Extra-realization and remaining questions.


Group Group
Y2-Y2 9h00 M2-C3 10h40
S2-C7 9h20 O2-P5 11h00
A3-M1 9h40 A2-S4 11h20
A4-A8 10h00 L2-E6 11h40
O2-P9 10h20 12h00

The afternoon is dedicated to cleaning the git repository and preparing the video.