Handle ROS parameters

Node piece of programme accepts argument to be parrametrized, speed, name of the topic, frequencies or what ever. This tutorial visits how ROS2 handle parameters... But first let see how to read Python3 script argements.

Python3 arguments

Its is very commun add arguments in the command line while starting a programme or a script. Most of the linux commands accepts arguments.

In python, the arguments can be read with the sys python package, on a argv list (argument values).

lets initialize a test-script.py

import sys

print( sys.argv )

and try:

python3 test-script.py -r salut nounou 42

You notice that the executed script itself is the first argument (at indice \(0\)).

Use ROS2 Parameters

ROS2 provides parameter managment on top of command arguments. Typically, it is possiple to list the parameters with ros2 param list command. Start a turtlesim in a terminal an search for trutlesim parameters in another.

To activate parameters (and topic remaping) ros2 run command needs --ros-args attributs,
then the syntaxe is -p parameter:=value.

For instance to set a beautifull orange at turtlesim background:

ros2 run turtlesim turtlesim_node --ros-args \
    -p background_r:=100 \
    -p background_g:=60 \
    -p background_b:=0

In YAML launch file parameters should be defined on a param list.

- node: 
    pkg: turtlesim
    exec: turtlesim_node
    name: orange_simu
    - { name: "background_r", value: 100 }
    - { name: "background_g", value: 60 }
    - { name: "background_b", value: 0 }

Simple Python3 Integration

Thes ROS2 client API (Python3 or C++) provides tools to déclare and read ROS2 parameters value. However, one of the simple way to use parameters is to allow the ROS node to administrate them automatically. It requires to set the node attributs allow_undeclared_parameters and automatically_declare_parameters_from_overrides at True.

    myNode= Node(

This way, the node will create (if necessary) and handle ROS parameters each time developers try to get value from them. The methode Node::get_parameter_or permits to read a parameters of a given type or return a default value if the parameter is not provided. get_parameter_or takes \(2\) attributes: parameter_name used in the ros2 run command or in the launch files, defaultParameter a Parameter instance defined with a name, a type and a default value. To notice tha the parameter_name and the Parameter instance.name can be the same or diferent. The Parameter type can be : NOT_SET, BOOL, INTEGER, DOUBLE, STRING, BYTE_ARRAY, BOOL_ARRAY, INTEGER_ARRAY, DOUBLE_ARRAY or STRING_ARRAY (cf. Parameter Class)

for instance:

def initializeAttributsFromROSParameters( self, aROSNode ):
    self._aTopicName = aROSNode.get_parameter_or( 'topic_to_use',
        rclpy.Parameter('aTopic', rclpy.Parameter.Type.STRING, 'topic')
    self._aId = self.get_parameter_or( 'id',
        Parameter('id', Parameter.Type.INTEGER, 8)
    self._aVector  = self.get_parameter_or( 'vector',
        Parameter('floatList', Parameter.Type.DOUBLE_ARRAY, [1.1, 2.2])

Implements ROS parameters to set-up different messages to your talker node (cf. Node and Topic tutorial).